A. Guszlev1, L. Zentai2

1 - University of West Hungary

2 - Eotvos Lorand University


Starting from 2005 webmapping has quickly become a mainstream internet technology. The freely customizable online mapping services (e.g. Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Microsoft Live Local, Mapquest, etc.) form an integrated part of the new hype commonly referred to as Web 2.0. Characteristics of this new phenomenon include user centered bottom-up initiatives, excessive online participation, decentralized knowledge and resource sharing.


The aim of the paper is to present results in collecting and organizing available webmapping materials and transforming them into reusable education modules. Topics cover:


The modules are designed to be web based, and are integrated into an e-learning platform. Detailed educational metadata helps tutors and participants to estimate the level of involvement and the time needed to accomplish the given course. The main target groups are higher education students and professionals interested cartography and GIS.


The modules are open for access after registration. Due to the quickly changing nature of this field, the compiled educational materials need constant updating. The wiki content management environment offers possibilities for quick editing and keeping track of changes. The paper tries to raise awareness of this educational initiative and calls for online cooperation for all of those willing to share their own experiences.